陳美華、孫韵芳, 2011, A Path to Enhance Students' Ability and Willingness to Communicate in English, 語文與國際研究, ---卷, 8期, 其他
陳美華, 2010, We Acquire Vocabulary by Playing Games/全球化背景下的外語教學研究:理論與實踐, :上海外語教育出版社
陳美華, 2009, We Acquire Vocabulary by Playing Games, 第六屆海峽兩岸外語研討會, NATCHN-大陸地區, 上海
陳美華, 2009, Vocabulary games as a memory enhancement device, Journal of Maori & Pacific Development, 10卷, 2期, 其他
陳美華, 2009, Learning Vocabulary through Playing Games of Affix, International Simulation and Gaming Association 40th Annual Conference, NATSGP-新加坡共和國, 新加坡
陳美華, 2009, Vocabulary Games as a Memory Enhancement Device, 第二十六屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 新竹
陳美華, 2009, Vocabulary Games Invention and Its Learning Effectiveness, 教育科技與媒體, ----卷, 87期, 其他
陳美華, 2009, Vocabulary learning strategies and language games: Reporting on a Taiwan-based study, Journal of Maori and Pacific Development, 1卷, 10期, 其他
陳美華, 2009, Learn to Game, Game to Learn; the 40th Conference ISAGA 2009, :Society of Simulation and Gaming of Singapore
陳美華, 2008, 字彙遊戲開發與單字量提升之討論, Web2.0時代教育傳播暨科技新風貌研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄