達賴, 2008, Combining Translation and Interpreting Practice in Mock Conferences: the When, Why and How, XVIII FIT World Congress, NATCHN-大陸地區, 上海
達賴, 2008, Acquiring Natural Interlingual Communication Fluency--Reflections on Interpreting Skills Building in the Foreign Language Conversation Class, 2008逢甲大學外國語文教學國際研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 台中
達賴, 2008, Interdisciplinary Spectrum in English Study and Teaching for Taiwan(III), 第三屆英語文教學與翻譯教學聯合研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 彰化
達賴, 2008, Multilingualism and Business in the European Union : a Marriage of Convenience, 北京外國語大學高級翻譯學院客座教學及主持學術研討會, NATCHN-大陸地區, 北京
達賴, 2007, Multilingualism and Trade Competitiveness the Policy of the European Union, 羅馬條約50年暨歐盟與亞洲關係國際學術研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 台北