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Hui-Chen Hsieh, 2016, High School Students' Topic Preferences and Oral Development in an English-only Short-term Intensive Language Program, English Language Teacing, 9卷, 9期, 其他
Hui-Chen Hsieh, Nina Moreno, and Ronald P. Leow, 2015, Awareness, type of medium, and L2 development: Revisiting Hsieh(2008)/A Psycholinguistic Approach to Technology and Language Learning, Berlin:De Gruyter Mouton
Hui-Chen Hsieh, 2012, An Evaluation of the English Camp Program, Journal of Foreign Language Instruction, 5卷, 1期, 其他
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謝惠軫, 2008, The Effects of Type of Instruction and Type of Post-Exposure Task on L2 Development, JOURNAL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION, 2卷, 1期, 其他
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