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部落格文章分類 -> 雜七雜八
[Debby] : If I had the magical power [2023-05-03 09:33:17]
[Debby] : it goes without saying [2023-04-27 08:47:03]
[Debby] : Self-soothing [2023-04-26 16:37:11]
[Debby] : 薄情郎 [2023-04-21 13:29:15]
[Debby] : 不以小人之心度君子之腹 [2023-04-20 16:15:21]
[Debby] : detail/nuance of the Deepth 魔鬼鏡頭出在細節裡 [2023-04-19 13:26:39]
[樊泰亨] : 鋼鐵莫那魯道 [2022-09-26 16:53:21]
[蕭伶樺] : 1110926 雲端科技與商務應用 [2022-09-26 15:55:21]
[曾苡瑄] : 晚安你好 [2022-09-26 15:53:03]
[吳印芃] : 早安你好 [2022-09-26 15:52:54]
[蔡敏賢] : 山羌 超*荷 [2008-03-18 16:16:00]
[林芷萱] : 要不要吃OREO [2008-03-18 16:16:00]
[邱濬宸] : 好想睡 [2008-03-18 16:16:00]
[tomcat] : yeah [2021-11-18 11:25:47]
[唐] : 1101118 POST [2021-11-18 11:24:48]