

I'm simply surprised I can log in my student account again cuz it's been few years since I left Wenzo, wow.
Time does fly. Wonderin' how everyone's doing..kinda miss the days spending with my cute mates studying, chit chat, skiping classes..etc. It feels so weird writin' this again, it's like pulling me back to the old days, those beautiful days.. :)

Writing my prtfolio again

Blah blah blah blah blah..

Short report 'bout today

I got a cold and I'm pretty tired today, over.

耶我又寫了一篇網誌 耶


I got a cold yesterday so I feel bad now.


Yeah, this this the first time for me to write profolio.
Hope it will be cool.

blah blah blah

mur mur mur mur mur