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論文名稱 Taiwanese textbooks for young learners of English: A Criterion-referenced analysis
發表日期 2007-02-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Wang, weipei
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Journal of Maori and Pacific Development
發表卷數 8
發表期數 1
發表年份 2005
發表月份 2
發表形式 紙本
附件 2007 journal.PDF2007 journal.PDF

[英文摘要] :
This article focuses on one of the problems faced by one Pacific rim country, Taiwan, in comng to terms with teh increasing globalizaton of Englsh , that is, the production of textbooks that the approprate for young learners. Increasing pressure to ensure that its citizens achieve a high level of proficiency in English has led Taiwan, in common with many other countries, to reduce the age at whch chldren are introduced to English in schools. This has lead to the proliferation of Enlish textbooks fo ryoung leanrers. The Taiwan national Englsh curriculum guidelnes recommend that teaching materials shold cultivate communicative abilty and should nclude varied activities, a range of different types of text, and interesting, practicla and lvely topics and themes. Three textbook series produced in taiwan are analyzed and dixcussed here in terms of a range of effectiveness criteria. It is concluded that the textbook writers have not yet come to terms witht the recommendations in the Englsh curriculum guidelnes. In that these recommendations are similar to tecommendations included in national curriculum guidelines or the teaching of languages in many other parts of the world, it is suggested that language teachingmaterials produced elsewhere might usefully be analyzed in a smilar way.