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論文名稱 美學培育與文化創意產業
研討會開始日期 2022-10-01
研討會結束日期 2022-10-02
所有作者 鄧文龍
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2022第五屆社會科學本土化學術研討會暨第六屆本土諮商心理學學術研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 彰化
發表年份 2022

[摘要] :
從1997 年英國首相布雷爾上任之後,大力提倡文創產業,多年來各國莫不競相發展,不僅其產值超越傳統產業,而且帶動文化藝術與公民美學的涵養,因此被視為資訊產業之後的「第四產業」。而培養美學的審美能力能達到欣賞喜好對整個文化創意產業能有所幫助。因此親近美學、體驗瞭解美學、喜歡美學創造美學,這是一個文化創意產業的基礎。把近年來所推動與觀察到的各項美學教育案例,加以分享,提供強化美學教育的經驗,並希望整合多方面的階段完善提升文化產業發展基礎。

[英文摘要] :
Since former British Prime Minister Tony Blair took office in 1997, he has vigorously promoted the cultural and creative industries. Over the years, many countries have sought to stand out in their development of the industries, which has not only allowed the industries' output value to exceed that of traditional industries, but has also been driving the cultivation of cultural and artistic literacy as well as civic aesthetics. The cultural and creative industries are hence considered to follow the information industry as the fourth wave of economic growth momentum. Cultivating aesthetics and gaining the ability of appreciation can help to develop the entire cultural and creative industries. Therefore, getting close to aesthetics, experiencing and understanding aesthetics, and enjoying aesthetics to the point of creating aesthetics are the foundation of the cultural and creative industries. In this study, various aesthetic education cases that have been observed in recent years will be shared to provide experiences that can strengthen aesthetic education and to integrate aesthetic education phases, thereby laying a solid foundation for the development of the cultural industry.
This study is divided into four sections. The first section discusses the relationship between aesthetics and the cultural industry. The second section introduces experiential aesthetic education and relevant cases such as painting education in primary and junior high schools, woodworking planning and implementation in senior high schools, and cloth dyeing for adults. Through their teachers' explanations, students can transform existing patterns creatively and give a detailed account of their customized products. Primary school students are provided with coloring worksheets so they can learn to use colors through color matching. Also, the composition of colors brings different meanings and concepts to products and conveys cultural connotations. The third section introduces cases in regard to the combination of aesthetics and the cultural and creative industries. Products can be produced based on the colors used in cultural relics, and Chinese cuisine can be developed by referring to the shapes and forms of cultural relics. The fourth section, Conclusions and Suggestions, proposes that more efforts be invested in improving the overall current conditions so the promotion of the cultural industry can be facilitated and achieve outstanding results. The participation of the industry, the academia, the government, and the public is another prerequisite for the promotion of the cultural industry. Niche culture is, in a sense, the same as mass culture; there should be a cultural and industrial system that embraces both cultures. The direction and focus of promoting and implementing aesthetic education in the future are also explored in this section.

Keywords: aesthetics, experiential education, inspiration, inheritance, innovation

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