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論文名稱 《釋字第450號》後:1999-2018大專體育教師人力變遷研究
發表日期 2023-02-15
論文收錄分類 TSSCI
所有作者 徐振德、陳武雄、翁慈君、郭美惠、林 郁偉
作者順序 第四(以上)作者
刊物名稱 國立臺灣師範大學《教育科學研究期刊》
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2022
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊

[摘要] :



[英文摘要] :
After "Interpretation No. 450": A Research of Trends in Physical Education Teachers in Colleges and Universities in Taiwan from 1999 to 2018.

Research Motivation and Objective
Refer to the Article 158 of the Constitution and the legislative history of the University Act, the J.Y. Interpretation No.450 (in 1998), interpreted “Freedom of teaching” and “university self-government” principles, thus a university may independently decide whether it is necessary to offer PE courses as the electives or compulsory subjects. Once it decided, it may further establish PE offices for such courses in accordance with the laws. Furthermore, as a result of declining birth rates, university exiting rates, university autonomy, and zero-credit courses, the compulsory physical courses are gradually reducing. A research involving in the physical education courses of 54 countries (Martins, et al. (2020)) showed that the older students, the lower percentage of regular physical activity. It highlights the importance of maintaining regular exercise through physical education courses during the school days. This research is aimed to the current situation and future trends of the college physical education (PE) teachers in our country from the perspective of laws, regulations, and systems following the "Interpretation No. 450" by compiling meaningful data to envision the future PE development in colleges.

Literature Review
The United States was the first country to include physical education courses as a graduation requirement in higher education. In 1861, Amherst College began to require students to take physical education courses for four years, and many universities began to take physical education courses (Cardinal, Sorensen & Cardinal, 2012). By the late 1920s and early 1930s, about 97 percent of colleges and universities had a physical education requirement, and by the 1960s, the percentage of schools that included physical education as a required course varied from 84 to 87 percent (Lumpkin & Jenkins, 1993). But over the past three decades in U.S. higher education, the percentage of schools that require completion of physical education as a graduation requirement has continued to decline (Hensley, 2000), and dropped to 39.55% in 2010 (Cardinal, Sorensen & Cardinal, 2012).
In the development of sports in Japanese higher education, the government has given universities the flexibility to set compulsory elective subjects since 1991. Since then, up to 32% of universities have changed physical education courses to electives resulting in the general decline in Japanese college students' physical fitness and group social skills. Therefore, the Japanese government adjusted its policy. By the end of 2019, the proportion of colleges where physical education was elective was reduced from 32% (61.2% in private schools) to 27.5% (32.7% in private schools) (National University Sports Federation, 2021), it was obvious that the government policy had a specific guiding effect after the formulation.
With reference to the development of physical education in higher education in the United States and in Japan, whether it is the positioning of physical education courses or the discussion of educational value, the trend in the number of PE teachers is directly related to the energy available for research and teaching in the field.

Research Methods
This paper analyzed the trends in the numbers of PE teachers in Taiwanese higher education and related policy measures. Based on the research orientation of Secondary Data Analysis, this research collected the list of teachers and academic expertise in the "List of Physical Education Teachers in College and Universities" from 1999 to 2018 and examined the trends and human resource structures of college physical education teachers over the past 20 years. In accordance with the professional classification announced by the Taiwan government agency, "industry expertise" is coded by the National Science and Technology Council, while "technical expertise" is coded by the Sports Administration, the Ministry of Education. Data from 20 years of statistics, involving 40,612 person-times, can be analyzed to understand the number of people, genders, the rank of teachers, schools, and other factors. To enhance the study's credibility, the coding reliability was calculated based on the percentage consistency formula, the sorted data were assigned times, percentages were calculated, and an online cross-analysis table was prepared. (http://dataofsport.net/ human resource-taiwan/)
The limitation of this study is that it can only collect statistics on full-time teachers with physical education expertise. It cannot analyze the human resource trend for part-time teachers. In addition, the academic specialty of physical education teachers is uploaded by each school independently and it is not integrated with the school's physical education curriculum. Therefore, it cannot be inferred whether the content of the teachers' teaching reflects their expertise.

The study shows that: 1) The university expanding policy made the number of college teachers increasing within the past few years, but the proportion of college PE teachers was decreasing year by year; 2) The percentage of female PE teachers has slightly increased from 25.18% to 28.68%; 3) Although the number of PE teachers in higher education has continued to grow, but the number of teachers in technology and vocational education, whether in public or private schools, has declined significantly; 4) Because of the lack of clear standards for teachers in common disciplines, it gradually resulted in that PE teachers transitioning from the PE office to recreation and kinematics and the independent institute; 5) In academic subjects, the number of PE Course and Teaching is the largest, followed by Sports Administration and Management, and Sports Physiology. However, the proportion of sports-related to literature, history, and philosophy is relatively low; 6) Over the past two decades, the number of teachers with technical expertise in

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