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[摘要] :
本研究以問題導向學習(problem-based learning)的概念,以及行動研究(action research)的方法,運用教學歷程中的作業、測驗等多重學習文本(地圖製作、生態企劃、地景書寫等)進行教學實踐的成效研究。帶領學生透過地圖認識在地生活場域,也學習將生活場域的環境資訊透過觀察分類,條理描述、系統化紀錄,並適度轉化為地圖上的抽象符號,藉此深化微觀尺度的環境與生態學習,融入比例尺(scale)、圖例(legend)、方位(direction)等地圖要素的科學素養。預期的學習成果是學生參與設計的場域創意地圖。期望藉此探討以地圖應用為策略的環境教學與評量,並建立一套教學模式,協助學生應用所學環境知識於真實場域,深化知識的學習成效與科學素養(scientific literacy)。
[英文摘要] :
The research will be based on the concept of problem-based learning and action research, check the effectiveness of teaching practice by homework, quizzes and other learning texts (map making, ecological planning, landscape writing, etc.) throughout the teaching process. Guide students to understand the field through maps, learn to observe and classify environment information, reasonable description, systematic records, and change environment information into abstract symbols on the map. This will deepen environmental and ecological learning at the micro scale area, understanding the map elements such as scale, legend and direction. The expected learning outcomes are creative maps of students' participation in design and ecotourism mini-proposals. This paper aims to discuss the effectiveness of map-based learning on the environment and establish a teaching model to help students apply what they have learned in the real world, deepen the learning of environmental knowledge and improve scientific literacy.