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論文名稱 地圖在環境教學與敘事的創新應 用
研討會開始日期 2021-11-19
研討會結束日期 2021-11-19
所有作者 陳靜珮
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 「 2021跨域、永續、創新:人工智慧時代的高等教育典範研討會」
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 新竹
發表年份 2021
所屬計劃案 PGE1090488

[摘要] :
本文以107-108學年度環境通識課程之教學實踐與歷程紀錄,作為研究文本,將地圖工具的運用融入教學活動,輔以旅遊指南的實作設計作為策略,藉以達到環境知識學習的目的。研究以問題導向學習(problem-based learning)的概念進行教學設計,以行動研究(action research)為取徑,運用教學歷程中的手稿、作業、測驗等文本進行教學實踐研究。透過課程提供地圖學習運用的機會,同時作為環境文本創作的前置培訓,進而帶領學生在戶外現場進行探索與「做中學」、促成階段性的學習成果。本研究帶領學生利用地圖認識在地生活場域,也學習將生活場域的觀察體驗轉化為地圖上的符號,藉此深化微觀尺度的環境學習,以及比例尺(scale)、方位(direction)等地圖要素的科學素養。學習成果是學生參與設計的創意地圖與旅遊指南折頁,藉此應用所學於環境認知、地方特色展現與科學素養(scientific literacy)的提升。


[英文摘要] :
The study is a 107-108 academic year teaching process of general courses of environment and it is as a textual analysis of teaching practice. As the strategy, it is with integration of the map while teaching activities, with tourism guide for a supplement to achieve the learning of environment. The study used the concept of problem-based learning and the method of action research to apply via manuscripts, assignments and quizzes in the teaching process to study the teaching practice. Through the formal courses, they can not only be the supplement of maps and cross-cutting learning, but also be pre-training for eco-text assignment which is a record and also a performance with the entire process, and then to put what students have learned into practice. Students may understand the living places based on the map and learn to record, to systematize, and then to make into symbols. Through these activities, students can observe in the depth to integrate scientific literacy, such as the scale and direction. The study that students can participate in the design of tourism guide that can help students apply what they have learned, in order to strengthen understanding of the surrounding and scientific literacy.

Keywords: map, scientific literacy, problem-based learning, action research, cooperative learning