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論文名稱 資料視覺化的教學設計-以地圖應用為例
研討會開始日期 2023-07-21
研討會結束日期 2023-07-21
所有作者 陳靜珮
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 國立高雄科技大學2023教學實踐研究研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄市
發表年份 2023
所屬計劃案 111年度 教學實踐研究計畫

[摘要] :
本研究以「地圖與生活應用」課程修課學生50人為對象,學生的學習歷程紀錄為研究素材,呈現其一學期的學習遷移。在修課之前,學生對於地圖的使用,多限於一次性的查詢或使用功能,為了能讓學生建立地圖素養,本研究在每個授課單元賦予學生一項實作任務作為教學主軸,每一個單元的實作任務作為下一個單元的學習基礎,並且階段性引導學生,讓其關切的議題與學習焦點從個人、社區進而社會、從自我微觀漸進到巨觀,也結合部分開放資料(open data)與永續發展目標(SDGs),引導學生產製圖像化文本的過程中,融入知識的學習,透過視覺化工具的操作與公共議題的結合達到技能與知識的共伴成長,並建立一套有效的教學模式。

[英文摘要] :
This study focuses on a practical teaching design, targeting 50 students enrolled in the "Maps and Life Application" course. The students' learning records serve as research materials to show their learning change over one semester. Issues in daily life have spatial characteristics, and it is the most effective approach to express these through maps. Prior to taking the course, students' use of maps was generally one-time queries or basic functions. Therefore, the emphasis of the teaching is not on complex map techniques but on the practical applications of maps in their daily lives. The research aims to enhance students' map literacy, which involves using maps to show the spatial and temporal characteristics of various affairs. To improve students' map literacy, this study employs issue-oriented teaching with some concerns of open data and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each teaching unit assigns students a practical map task and some fundamental knowledge then it will be the foundation for the other units. Through operating visualization tools and interpreting public issues, students achieve the dual growth of skills and knowledge. The results of the study show that the students' ability to operate tools meets expectations, but their ability to interpret images and texts still needs to be strengthened.