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論文名稱 | 女子跳遠選手起跳時手臂及腿部動作對 |
發表日期 | 2011-12-01 |
論文收錄分類 | 其他 |
所有作者 | 陳建勳 |
作者順序 | 第一作者 |
通訊作者 | 否 |
刊物名稱 | 運動教練科學學刊 |
發表卷數 | |
是否具有審稿制度 | 是 |
發表期數 | 第六期 |
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 | |
發表年份 | 2005 |
發表月份 | 8 |
發表形式 | 紙本 |
所屬計劃案 | 無 |
可公開文檔 | |
可公開文檔 | |
可公開文檔 |
[摘要] :
目的:探討女子跳遠選手手臂與擺動腿動作對成績表現之影響。方法:以三部每秒60張畫面的攝影機,拍攝2005年國際田徑邀請賽決賽八位選手為受試者,以Dempster(1955)14個肢段、21個關節點的人體模型,透過Kwon3D動作分析器實施影片分析。結果與結論:一、擺動腿角速度在支撐階段緩衝期大於蹬伸期,且在緩衝期與成績達高度相關(r=0.636, p<.05)。二、二腿夾角變化在支撐階段緩衝期與垂直速度達顯著相關(r=0.730, p<.05),亦即較大二腿角度能提昇垂直速度。三、支撐階段上擺手擺臂角度與垂直速度達中等相關(r=0.510, p<.05),加大上擺手手臂擺動角度,有利垂直速度獲得。四、擺動腿擺動幅度與起跳腿髖關節在緩衝階段達高度相關,顯示擺動幅度越大將能增加起跳腿伸髖動作,提昇起跳效果。建議:加強上擺手擺臂角度與擺動腿擺動角速度的訓練,有利於垂直速度與成績表現。
[英文摘要] :
Purpose: To explore the influence of female long jumpers swinging arms and free legs motions on performance. Method: This study used three cameras with a speed of 60 frames per second to record the jumpers performance in the 2005 International Track and Field Competition. According the Dempster model(1955) to record 14-segments and 21-joint points on the jumper’s performance through the Kwon3D analysis software to analyze the dates. Results and Conclusions: First, the angle of the moving leg during the support phase was bigger than that during the push-off phase, and, during the buffer phase, the angle of the moving leg correlated significantly with the performance(r=0.675、r=0.636, p<.05). That is to say the fast-moving motions of the moving leg during the buffer phase would influence performance. Second , changes in the angle of the take-off leg and the moving leg were significantly correlated with the vertical velocity during the support phase(r=0.730, p<.05), which means a bigger angle of the two legs contributed to the increase of vertical velocity. Third, in the support phase, the angle of upper swing and vertical velocity will get the correlate meaning in middle height(r=0.510, p<.05)., to gaint the angle of upper swing will advantage the acquirement of vertical velocite. Fourth, the moving degree of the moving leg achieved high-intermediate correlation with the hip-joint of the take-off leg, which indicates that the greater the moving degree is, the better the hip-stretching motion of the take-off leg is. It has positive meaning on the elevation of the take-of effect. Suggestion: To strengthen the training of the upper swing angle and the leg swing velocity will adventage to acquire vertical velocity to promote performance.
[參考文獻] :
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