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論文名稱 Transforming Educational Landscape for th Next Generation:A Case Study of Wencao University
研討會開始日期 2023-06-20
研討會結束日期 2023-06-21
所有作者 Margarita Sheu
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2023 EdTec – International Conference on Education & Learning Technology
研討會舉行之國家 NATIDN-印度尼西亞共和國
研討會舉行之城市 Bali
發表年份 2023
所屬計劃案 Future work lab

[英文摘要] :
Higher education institutions are facing the challenges to the next generation, so called “Alpha”. The Alpha’s characteristics, demographics, academic preference, learning attitudes, and psychological mindsets affect the educational leaders, educators, and practitioners. Learning and teaching are mutually transforming due to the digital generation that teachers should adjust dramatically in a digital nation. The intention to increase student learners’ autonomy as well as their interests and mindfulness of the education is crucial. Thus, higher educational institution, such as Wenzao, established the technological field that had embedded with the future quality of :1) critical thinking & problem solving, 2) communication, 3) collaboration, 4) creativity & innovation, and 5) business ethics, as the approaches to response to the new Alpha. The insufficiency of the “now” drives Wenzao University to focus more on the new pedagogy that leads to a transformative landscape. This paper aims to educational mindfulness that suggests a practical concept of teaching with the assistance of high-tech. It is not necessary for all the faculties and students to be armed with sophisticated hard skill but sustainable soft knowledge with time. The paper reveals the mindfulness practice that Wenzao University applied: 1) Laurel Method & Thinking, 2) English Improvement, 3) Future Work Lab, and 4) Cross-Disciplinary Programs. The core value leads Wenzao to have a flexible and systematic philosophy as a sustainable educational institution with faith.