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[摘要] :
此研究的目的是為了調查discourse-based 外語教學法在英文商業書信寫作教學上的效果及學生對於discourse-based 外語教學法的態度。共有兩班65位五專四年級的學生參與此項研究。英文商業書信寫作是為期一年的選修課。兩班學生中、一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。此實驗性的研究持續約一學期。在兩組都接受完前測寫作之後,實驗組接受discourse-based外語教學的教學法,控制組接受非discourse-based外語教學的教學法。一學期之後,兩組的學生再接受後測寫作。此外,實驗組學生也填寫問卷,此問卷是關於他們對於discourse-based外語教學法的態度。前測寫作與後測寫作的比較結果顯示實驗組和控制組在英文商業書信寫作的表現上都有顯著的進步;然而,實驗組相較於控制組並沒有較好的表現。問卷的結果顯示學生認為discourse-based外語教學法是有趣的且有幫助的。discourse-based外語教學法在他們的英文商業書信寫作上都有幫助。大部分的學生認為在接受discourse-based外語教學法之後,他們的英文都有進步且較有信心。
[英文摘要] :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of a discourse-based teaching approach in the teaching of English business writing and the attitudes students have towards a discourse-based teaching approach. A total of 65 fourth year junior college students were involved in this study. They were divided into two groups; one was the experimental group, the other was the control group. This study lasted for a whole semester. After doing pre-writing in the first week of the semester, the experimental group received a discourse-based teaching approach and the control group received a non-discourse-based teaching approach. The two groups of students did post-writing in the last week of the semester. In addition, the students in the experimental group filled out the questionnaires regarding their attitudes toward the discourse-based teaching approach. The results of the pre-writing and the post-writing indicate that both groups made significant improvement in English business writing; however, the performance of the experimental group was no better than the performance of the control group. The results of the questionnaire suggest that students think that a discourse-based teaching approach is interesting and helpful. The discourse-based approach helped them with their English business writing. Most of the students in the experimental group felt more confident in English after they experienced the discourse-based teaching approach.
[參考文獻] :
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