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論文名稱 運動電影的男性氣概論述分析-以「Kano」為對象
發表日期 2022-12-01
論文收錄分類 TSSCI
所有作者 甘允良. 蔡佳蓉
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 體育學報
發表卷數 第 55 卷
發表期數 第 4 期
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2023
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊

[摘要] :


[英文摘要] :
Sports are predominantly played by men and are a great “platform” for men to showcase their masculinity, making the films a means to investigate gender relationships and male power as well as gain gender-related understanding and viewed as text for the practice of masculinity.. Sports films in media are a major means for people to understand sport and gender issues and to demonstrate gender relation and masculinity. This study performed a discourse analysis to (a) analyze gender-related discourse in sports films, that is, to perform an analysis on the discursive formation through which sports films viewed as the discursive formation of gender-related text; and (b) how male power is realized through sports films, that is, how the discursive practice of masculinity in sports created male power. The sports film “Kano” was selected for this case study because of its status in Taiwanese film development and baseball being a national pastime in Taiwan, as its main story. After examining the film, this study proposed five dimensions that contributed to gender differences. They were “the duality of sports,” “the ‘gendering’ of sports characteristics,” “the masculinity of sports performance,” “the professionalization of sports systems,” and “the nationalization of sports achievements.” Concerning how sports realized masculinity, this study analyzed multiple sport-related dynamic practices and proposed the dimensions of “the maximization of team camaraderie,” “the refinement of sports achievements,” “the deification of personality traits,” “the sanctification of sports arenas,” “the demonstration of physical abilities,” and “the elevation of sports experiences.” The diversified and complex dimensions were used to realize male power. Future studies should explore how the influence of gender behavior in media space and people’s media usage experiences substantially change gender identity.

Key words: sports film, masculinity, discourse analysis

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