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論文名稱 人類歷史與大鬼湖古氣候研究之連結
研討會開始日期 2018-06-01
研討會結束日期 2018-06-01
所有作者 萬政康
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2018年歷史與文化暨通識教育學術研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄市
發表年份 2018

[摘要] :
Human History linked to paleoclimate records in the Great Ghost Lake


摘 要
四千多年來大鬼湖古氣候記錄(Pb-210及C-14定年結果,與湖泊沉積物總有積碳含量(TOC)差異造成之深淺變化)可代表氣候乾/濕變化情況,並可與全球主要乾/濕變化歷史事件相比對,尤其是造成古典瑪雅文明消失之三次大乾旱紀錄,大鬼湖沉積物也有最顯著的相關訊號。顯示大鬼湖沉積物可透過氣團遙相關(赤道間幅合帶[ITCZ]移動 - 南北移動、寬窄變化、波狀變化…等),及季風雨帶(梅雨帶)之活動反映台灣附近,甚至同緯圈(亞洲季風區)大範圍地區之氣候乾濕變化情況。而與東、西方主要歷史記錄之比較,顯示四千多年來乾/濕變化之大趨勢相似。尤其是千年循環的主要事件(約4200年前各古文明紀錄之乾旱事件,約此同時中國夏朝建立。約3200年前西方地中海海上民族大遷徙,東方南島語族開始向太平洋、印度洋殖民擴張,約此同時中國商朝結束西周建立。約2200年前西方羅馬帝國興起,東方春秋戰國(東周)結束,秦、漢帝國崛起。約1200年前西方維京人崛起,東方遊牧民族崛起,成吉思汗建立跨歐亞大帝國。近代歐洲小冰期、地中海難民問題、敘利亞內戰問題…等),其中的中國歷史朝代混亂時期(春秋戰國時期、五胡16國南北朝時期、五代10國元朝建立時期),更可對應湖泊沉積物深淺變化頻繁時期。造成此千年循環週期之主因尚待研究,除太陽活動週期外,與垂直溫鹽環流週期接近(可能有關係)。此研究顯示大鬼湖古氣候紀錄可透過氣團遙相關(teleconnection),代表大範圍地區之氣候乾濕變化歷史,也可代表赤道間幅合帶(ITCZ)或季風雨帶(梅雨帶)活動造成之乾/濕變化情況。

[英文摘要] :
Paleoclimate study using lacustrine sediments (Pb-210 and C-14 dating and contents of total organic carbon [TOC] in sediments) of the subalpine Great Ghost Lake (GGL) in southern Taiwan can link to Human History. In the past 4600 years, TOC content of GGL sediment can reflect the major history events (dry/wet conditions) in the world, especially three most dry periods (about1000-1500 BP) recorded in the GGL sediment were consistent with the droughts resulting in the collapse of classic Maya Civilization. According to teleconnection (similar correlation to shift of intertropical convergence zone [ITCZ]), the long-term trend of dry/wet condition in southern Taiwan can represent major events in global history, especially the 1000-year climate cycle (About 4200BP, serve drought recorded in ancient civilizations. At the same time, Xia Dynasty established of the China History. About 3200BP, the migration of the Sea Peoples remade of ancient Mediterranean Civilization. Meanwhile, the Austronesian family began to colonize the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. At the same time, Shang Dynasty collapsed and Zhou Dynasty established in the China History. About 2200BP, the Roman Empire rise at West, about same time, the Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) and Warring States (475-221 BC) periods ended, followed by Qin and Han Empire rise at East. About 1200BP, the rise of the Vikings at West and the rise of nomads at East (Genghis Khan built the Great Empire) were recorded in history. In recent year, the problems of Little Ice Age (LIA), Mediterranean refugees and Syrian Civil War maybe correlated to this 1000-year climate cycle.). The 1000-year climate cycle may cause by solar activity and/or vertical thermohaline circulation. It remains unknown and need to continue study. Overall, the shifting of the ITCZ (monsoon rain belt or Plum rain belt in East Asia) may play the dominant role in controlling the dry/wet condition of Taiwan and monsoon area, even to major dry/wet events recorded in global history.

[參考文獻] :
伍、 參考資料

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