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研習/計畫案名稱 中高齡與婦女勞動力再就業行動方案研究
推動委員會審核通過日期 2017-03-24

[摘要] :


[英文摘要] :
The industry transformation and the lack of the labor force, caused by the declining birthrate and increasing aging population, trigger the hinder to the re-employment of the eldly and women population. As the aging society becomes a global problem, many governments engage in policy development for improving labor force condition improvement and providing subsidies to encourage elderly and women to re-participate in the labor market. Taiwan’s elderly and women’s labor force participating rates stay lower to some other developed countries and ones in Asia comparatively. Uniquely, the elderly women’s employment rate of Taiwan shows an inverted V-shaped trend unlike the M-shaped double-peak trend of some countries. This research focuses on re-employment phenomenon and trend analysis of elderly and women. Through exploring the projects and cases of re-employment and sharing economy, the key successful factors are analyzed for the purpose of designing the action project. The re-employment projects and sharing economy cases share common features of resource sharing, flexible working hours, and technology application.
  The action project is designed by applying the sharing economy model to integrate the service of home care industry including services provided by medical professional, home care and care staff. The mobile APP includes features and specifications for instant care service by connecting the providers and the customers. The twenty- hour course program covers topics to motivate re-participation in the work market, to build work value and to provide skills training . Through the establishment of care community, how members of the community communicate, learn, and gradually build confidence will be recorded and analyzed.
  Through offering five sessions of training courses and the establishment of the elderly and women community ‘520 Gung Ho Camp’, the care service model is designed and experimented to integrate care service resources with sharing economy matching platform in order to develop a successful re-employment model for the elderly and women. In conclusion, the project proposes several case studies on the elderly and women re-employment issue, action plans, sharing economy models, policy and regulation oriented research findings, such as key variables for influencing re-employment, innovative method of building sharing economy model, policy or regulation revision recommendation. All the above research findings can provide reference for government sector, sharing-economy business model or platform business entrepreneurs, employers of the elderly and women staff and social welfare agencies or not-for-profit organizations to collaboratively solve specific social problems.
Key Words: Elderly and Women Labor Force Participating Rate, Re-employment, Sharing Economy, Successful Factors, APP Platform, Community Development, Innovative Care Service Model

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