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[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
In the field of Japanese language education in Taiwan, even in higher education such as universities, conversational classes are conducted in which one teacher instructs dozens of learners at the same time. In such classes, the opportunities for individual students to produce output in Japanese are greatly limited due to physical constraints.
In order to increase each learner's opportunities for output in Japanese, the presenter has been using ChatGPT for conversation practice in the Japanese conversation class "Oral Training" for the third-year students of Wenmeng University of Foreign Languages' fourth-teaching course since September 2023.
ChatGPT, a generative AI developed by OpenAI, has attracted worldwide attention since its release in November 2022, and various uses have been proposed. One such application is the use of ChatGPT in language learning. The quality of the output of a generative AI depends greatly on the quality of the prompts.
In this presentation, we discuss the issue of what kind of prompt descriptions are effective to establish a natural conversation between ChatGPT and a learner, based on the presenter's practice.
[參考文獻] :
note(2023)「あなたの仕事が劇的に変わる!? ChatGPT使いこなし最前線」, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReoJcerYtuI&lc=Ugw655un0M5QlysD8DF4AaABAg(2024/03/21閲覧)
村上吉文(2023)「むらスペ > プロンプト作成能力が問われる時代」https://listen.style/p/muracas/4cwxztnl(2024/03/21閲覧)