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論文名稱 大學棒球選手不同守備位置對肩關節等速肌力之影響
發表日期 2017-04-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 李坤哲、陳膺成
作者順序 第二作者
刊物名稱 嘉大體育健康休閒期刊
發表卷數 16
發表期數 1
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2017
發表月份 4
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :
請在此輸入摘要研究目的在於了解不同位置的選手在肩關節旋轉肌群的表現是否有所不同,並針對其不同的特性來擬定適合的訓練計畫及降低選手受傷的風險。27位大專男子棒球選手為研究對象,依守備位置區分為投手組(9)、內野手組(10)與外野手(8),以Biodex等速肌力測量儀來測試受試者慣用手肩關節內旋與外旋的最大力矩及爆發力矩。研究結果如下:(一)投手組、內野手組和外野手組三個群組肩關節的最大力矩和爆發力矩中 ,其內旋力矩皆大於外旋力矩。在外旋與內旋最大力矩的比值方面,分別為投手71.6%、內野手72.3%、外野手88.2%,可看出外野手有較高的外旋/內旋比值。(二)發現外野手組的肩關節外旋最大力矩和爆發力矩皆明顯大於投手組,而內野手組與其他二組受試者皆無顯著差異。(三)投手組的肩關節肌力明顯不足,需要安排更有效的訓練來提升旋轉肌群的力量,除了可增加球速,更能提高肩關節的穩定以降低受傷的風險,而透過彈力繩或彈力帶進行離心收縮的訓練,是相當有效且安全性高的方法。

[英文摘要] :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the different of dominant arm shoulder rotators performances between the baseball pitchers, infielders, and outfielders. Participants were 27 first-level collegiate baseball players, including 9 pitchers, 10 infielders, 8 outfielders. A Biodex Isokinetic Dynamometer was used for estimation of shoulder muscle strength. The results indicated that :1.The internal rotation peak torque was greater than external rotation peak torque between pitchers, infielders, and outfielders. The ER/IR ratio were pitchers(71.6%), infielders(72.3%), outfielders(88.2%), and it indicated outfielders had higher ER/IR ratio; 2. There was no significant different in internal rotation peak torque and ER/IR ratio between pitchers, infielders, and outfielders. The outfielders showed greater external rotation peak torque than pitchers ; 3.These pitchers need to design more muscular training to enhance their shoulder muscle strength, espacially in external rotators. We suggest that eccentric isokinetic training for the rotate cuff will be effective to enhance the muscle strenght. Such consequence will improve the effciency of pitching, and further reduce the risk of shoulder injoury. It is a good way to use elastic cord or elastic belt.

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