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論文名稱 The Failed Rhetoric: PresuppositionAnalysis on Duterte’s 5th State of the Nation Address
發表日期 2021-06-29
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Murillo, M. A., & Yeh, A.
作者順序 第二作者
刊物名稱 International Journal of Language and Literary Studies
發表卷數 3
發表期數 (2)
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATITA-義大利共和國
發表年份 2021
發表月份 6
發表形式 電子期刊
所屬計劃案 1–20

[英文摘要] :
Presupposition triggers play a vital role in verbal communication. It is a linguistic element that can be employed in utterances. Language has a significant role too in the communication and interpretation of intentions by analyzing presupposition in political speeches. One example of these is the speech articulated by politicians which often serve as vehicles toward achieving their ultimate goals. This study analyzed the presupposition triggers found in the President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte’s 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA). Data was analyzed using critical discourse analysis (CDA), an approach to cognitively analyze how Duterte communicated his political intentions through the use of presupposition triggers. The results show that his SONA was filled with propositions that were erroneous and ambiguous. One example of his propositions was the frequently used lexical item “rest assured”, i.e., “Rest assured that we will not dodge our obligation to fight for human rights.” This highly contentious statement pertains to the killings and his war on drugs, and other human rights violations that his government is being accused of; a recrimination which alludes to the fact that the human rights crisis in the Philippines has heightened, if not worsened ever since he took office. This study concludes that the study of presupposition enhances the comprehension of what is being communicated, particularly in political speeches where failed rhetorics could also reflect a failed state.