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論文名稱 Bilingual 2030: Revving Up English in a Multilingual, Multicultural Taiwan
發表日期 2023-06-04
論文收錄分類 SSCI,其他
所有作者 Yeh, A.
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Asian Englishes
發表卷數 Vol. 25 (Special Issue)
發表期數 June 04, 2023
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATGBR-英國
發表年份 2023
發表月份 6
發表形式 電子期刊
所屬計劃案 n/a

[英文摘要] :
This study investigates Taiwan’s language policies, in particular, the Bilingual Nation 2030 (BN2030), which was set to improve the English language proficiency of its citizens. I analyzed the policies’ aims and measures based on the economics of language framework, which was also used to deconstruct various ideological concepts underpinning the policies. The findings suggest that the BN2030 reflects an economic trajectory that banks on the population’s English language competencies. However, it is only a part of a bigger picture that is more grounded on the country's diverse social landscape. Hence, labeling the policy ‘bilingual’ is a misnomer, unfairly representing Taiwan’s multilingual, multicultural identity. Taiwan’s language policies have an outward-looking path to economic success, thus heavily investing in language education and training, but these efforts are obscured in the bilingual chatter and revving up of English.