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論文名稱 日本で働いた台湾人の滞在前から帰国後までの過程における共通点―複線経路・等至性アプローチ(TEA)からの考察―
研討會開始日期 2020-09-27
研討會結束日期 2020-09-27
所有作者 久保田佐和子
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 〈日本文学・言語・文化〉 移民時代の日本語 2020年文藻外語大学日本語文系国際研究発表会
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄
發表年份 2023

[英文摘要] :
The number of foreign workers in Japan continues to increase. Naturally, many of these workers are from Taiwan. In this study, we interviewed four Taiwanese who have worked in Japan and analyzed the interviews using the Trajectory Equifinality Approach (TEA), which is an approach that views human development in relation to temporal change and cultural and social context, interviewing multiple people and finding commonalities in the process, The TEA approach is to interview multiple people and find commonalities in the process. Therefore, I investigate a long process from before working in Japan to after returning to Japan, including the period when several subjects are working in Japan.
If they were working in Japan, the survey will focus on the details of their work and life in Japan, as well as their reasons for returning to Taiwan and their life in Taiwan after returning to Japan.
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the behavior and thought patterns of Taiwanese who work in Japan, as well as the changes in these patterns, by analyzing and discussing the life histories of different types of subjects, including the length of their stay in Japan, to find commonalities between them. The results of this survey will help Taiwanese who wish to work in Japan in the future. If the problems encountered in Japan are similar, recommendations can be made to Japan, which is striving for multicultural conviviality, on how to live together with Taiwanese people.

[參考文獻] :
安田裕子・滑田明暢・福田茉莉・サトウタツヤ(2015) 『TEA理論編 複線経路等至性アプローチの基礎を学ぶ』新曜社
安田裕子・滑田明暢・福田茉莉・サトウタツヤ(2015) 『TEA実践編 複線経路等至性アプローチを活用する』新曜社
柴田あづさ(2018)「日本語学習における関西弁創作の教育効果―複線経路・等至性モデリング分析から見る留学生4名の変容過程から― 」『日本語教育170号』
 最終閲覧日:2020/09/26 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_09109.html
TEA研究会 最終閲覧日:2020/09/26 https://sites.google.com/site/kokorotem/home?authuser=0