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論文名稱 Behavior Modeling of Teaching Material Sharing Network
研討會開始日期 2010-05-27
研討會結束日期 2010-05-27
所有作者 Shi-Chung Chang、Yi-Ren Chiou、Chia-Chiang Lai、Rong-Huei Chen、Li-Wei Yeh、Chia-jer Tsai
作者順序 第四(以上)作者
研討會名稱 IEEE First International Workshop on Social Networks
研討會舉行之國家 NATZAF-南非
研討會舉行之城市 Cape Town
發表年份 2010

[英文摘要] :
Teaching material sharing (TMS) networks enrich teachers in their teaching capacity and provisioning of high-quality education services through sharing among peers. However, a TMS network needs proper incentives to be sustainable. By analyzing the empirical behavior data of elementary school teachers on TMS networks, we develop prescriptive behavior models that describe the relationship among the membership join and leave, and material upload and richness of teaching materials, individual altruism and rewards. We first model individual behaviors by probability distributions and the Bass model after identification of key factors that affect teachers' behaviors. Then, we model the collective behaviors and interacting dynamics. On top of these models, we adopt an agent-based simulation to evaluate the TMS behaviors under different conditions of content richness, altruism level and rewards.

Keywords—Teaching Material Sharing, Join, Leave, Upload, Content Richness, Altruism, Reward, Collective Behavior, Agent-based Simulation