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The threat of nuclear war hung ominously over the world throughout much of the 20th century. Now, nearly two decades into the 21st century, we find ourselves in a situation where most countries have already denounced the potential use of nuclear weapons and have halted the rampant development of such arms. One country, however, has appeared eager to produce nuclear weapons as well as to actually use them. Since 2006, North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests. The most recent one, in September 2017, signaled that the country’s military had gained the capability to send an intercontinental ballistic missile carrying a bomb 10 times stronger than the one dropped on Hiroshima not only to Seoul and Tokyo but as far as Guam, Hawaii, Alaska, and possibly even the West Coast of the United States. The current research paper asks three key questions: Why did North Korea seek so desperately to develop a nuclear weapon? How has the world coped with North Korea becoming the ninth nuclear power? And what will North Korea do next? After policy and historical analysis, this paper argues that North Korea is not the boy who cried wolf and, rather, that there was never any wolf to begin with—that North Korea has never intended to launch a nuclear attack. The country sought nuclear arms to secure its sovereignty and, in 2017, it finally succeeded. From here, the regime and the country will step forward into another phase of economic development; the boy will one day become an adult.
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