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計畫案/服務案名稱 107學年度教學實踐研究計畫「主動學習運用於多元文化溝通課程的教學研究─以「日本文化」課程為例─」
執行起始日期 2018-08-01
執行結束日期 2019-07-31
專案案號 107-96032
專案類型 教育部計畫型獎助案
計劃性質(選擇項為複選,請依照實際性質勾選) A1專題研究
工作類別 主持人
計劃主持人 謝億榮
經費狀態 原核定
計畫總金額(元) 190000
政府出資金額(元) 190000
企業出資金額(元) 0
其他單位出資金額(元) 0
學校出資金額(元) 0
主要經費來源 教育部
主要經費來源單位名稱 教育部

[摘要] :

筆者在教學現場看到學生認為「聽‧說‧讀‧寫」等日語教學科目是各自獨立而沒有連結關係,而無法有效學習的盲點。研究動機試圖藉由筆者擔任之「日本文化」課程將多元文化學習結合語言學習。運用積極學習法(active learning)學生自主思考和自主學習,執行學生參與類型和交互式雙向課程。另外導入實際體驗透過情境及體驗操作,提升學生的學習意願和學習效果。研究目的,透過問卷調查學習者的學習滿意度和學習成效,且據此從檢視學習者的學習成效,以及課程內容規劃與學習目標定位是否適切、是否達到有效學習。

關鍵字: 主動學習‧日語教學‧情境教學‧多元文化溝通‧日本文化

[英文摘要] :
A Study of Applying “Active Learning” to Multi-Cultural Communication Course: A Case of “Japanese Culture” Course

Japanese language education in Taiwan has matured after more than fifty years of development. In recent years, it has begun to stress teaching in such fields as Japanese society, culture, politics and economy. It also has correspondingly extended its emphasis from grammar teaching for cultivating basic language skills, to pragmatic abilities like language using and global mobility.
Based on in-class observation, the author finds that students’ inefficiency in learning results from their misunderstanding that the language courses of listening, speaking, reading and writing to be mutually independent and no relationship exists among them. This research tries to combine multi-culture and language learning in the “Multi-Cultural Learning” class, which is taught by the author. The author utilizes the “active learning” method, encouraging students to think and learn, and requiring them to join a subject-oriented and interactive course. Situational and experiential practice is introduced to enhance learning motivation and efficiency. Then a survey is conducted to investigate student’s learning satisfaction and efficiency, based on which learning efficiency and properness of course design and learning goals is explored.
“Document analysis” and “survey research” are adopted as research methods. The former is for analyzing students’ feedback reports. The latter pertains to examining the survey results against the criteria in the JLPT Can-Do Self-Evaluation List, using SPSS analysis to understand the significance of difference between tradition Japanese language learning and multi-cultural Learning.

Keywords: active learning, Japanese language education, situated teaching, multi-cultural communication, Japanese culture