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論文名稱 「學海築夢」與台日間國民外交連結之研究─以沖繩的企業實習為例─20161202
研討會開始日期 2016-12-03
研討會結束日期 2016-12-04
所有作者 謝億榮
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 第七屆日本研究年會-「亞太新局下的日本研究」國際研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 台北
發表年份 2016
所屬計劃案 105學海築夢

[摘要] :

謝 億榮

摘 要


[英文摘要] :
Pilot Overseas Internships and a Study on the Possibility of Citizen Diplomatic Relations between Taiwan and Japan:
Internships in Okinawa Enterprises as an example

I-Jung Hsieh
(Assistant Professor, Department of Japanese,
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages)


To cope with Taiwan’s long-term development and nurture future professional talents with global visions and practical experiences, the Ministry of Education has firstly promoted the Pilot Overseas Internships program since 2007 and encourages students of domestic higher educational institutions to do internships overseas in order to make them respect multi-cultural background and life style, and understand the operating patterns of enterprises, organizations, or institutions in different countries.

The aim of this study is to explore the possibility of building citizen diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Japan through the Pilot Overseas Internships program. The author is currently working at the Japanese Department of Wenzao Ursline University of Foreign Languages, and acquired sponsorship from this program in 2016. In July, several students from the department were selected to do their overseas internships for two months in enterprises in Okinawa, Japan. During their internships, they were interviewed by local media, and the whole event was also reported in local newspapers. Why did a pure Taiwanese students’ overseas internships program in Okinawa attract local media’s attention? Does this report achieve certain effects in terms of promoting Taiwan? Does it accidently reveal the possibility for building citizen diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Japan through overseas internships program?

Document analysis and empirical research method will be adopted in this study. The results of the investigations conducted governmental institutions and literature done by mass media will be used as the materials for analysis. Moreover, questionnaires will be administered to enterprises and students who participated in the Pilot Overseas Internships program, and they will be asked to provide their personal opinions regarding the issue of constructing citizen diplomatic relationships. It is expected that in addition to an examination of the effects of the Pilot Overseas Internships program, the reasons why this enterprise internships program attracted the attention of Okinawa’s local mass media, and the possibility of building citizen diplomatic relationships between Taiwan and Japan could also be explored.

Keywords: Pilot Overseas Internships program, citizen diplomatic relationships, Taiwan-Japan Interchange, Okinawa, Enterprise Internships