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[摘要] :
R&D plays essentially in increasing firm's growth and competitiveness. However, not all the R&D activities incur pleasing outcome. In this study, we try to investigate whether the corporate governance enhance investors' confidence on R&D expenditure, consequently leading to positive market reaction. Using the unbalanced panel data from January 1998 to December 2010 with the fixed effect panel model, this study examines the interaction effect of firm's R&D and the corporate governance on stock prices of Taiwan public firms. Initially, we find that market reacts conservatively to electronic firms (R&D-oriented firms) and positively to non-electronic firms. While the quality of corporate governance is taken into consideration, the interaction between corporate governance and R&D is found to associate positively with stock return in electronic industry. Whereas, no significant relation is found for those non-electronic firms. We suggest that investors might regard R&D as a substitution of corporate governance mechanism in non-electronic industries based on the agency cost hypothesis and the corporate governance enhancing the confidence of investors on R&D activity in electronic industry.
[英文摘要] :
R&D plays essentially in increasing firm's growth and competitiveness. However, not all the R&D activities incur pleasing outcome. In this study, we try to investigate whether the corporate governance enhance investors' confidence on R&D expenditure, consequently leading to positive market reaction. Using the unbalanced panel data from January 1998 to December 2010 with the fixed effect panel model, this study examines the interaction effect of firm's R&D and the corporate governance on stock prices of Taiwan public firms. Initially, we find that market reacts conservatively to electronic firms (R&D-oriented firms) and positively to non-electronic firms. While the quality of corporate governance is taken into consideration, the interaction between corporate governance and R&D is found to associate positively with stock return in electronic industry. Whereas, no significant relation is found for those non-electronic firms. We suggest that investors might regard R&D as a substitution of corporate governance mechanism in non-electronic industries based on the agency cost hypothesis and the corporate governance enhancing the confidence of investors on R&D activity in electronic industry.
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