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論文名稱 The Role of Government in Fostering a Global City
研討會開始日期 2011-10-12
研討會結束日期 2011-10-14
所有作者 YuJane Chen
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2011 U6 Forum
研討會舉行之國家 NATUSA-美國
研討會舉行之城市 Houston
發表年份 2011

[英文摘要] :
A city titled as global city is a city with certain dimension of global influence in the global system. Mostly, a global city is considered to be important financial and cultural center and is with its specialized functions. Basically, global city status is seen as beneficial to the city itself as well as the county as a whole.
However, the title of “global city” is not given but with a huge and long-term management from central government by distributing financial fund and supports. For example, the City of London has a long history of being a global economic center with shipping and insurance companies underwrote the trade of the British Empire in 17th century. In this regard, the leading country’s experience in cultivating global cities can be constructive information for followers that strive for the position of global city.
The research aims to study the role of government in fostering a global city and the extent of its effort. Hopefully, the research can submit useful reference information for Kaohsiung, the city where I live now. The research first studied the example of international global cities and their organic advantages in global net work. Secondly the research focused on the governments’ effort in promoting or supporting the global cities. The focus was on the tactical dimensions. It is interesting to find out why some measures are valuable in supporting the global city but some are in vain. In the end, the research can reach a conclusion and expose the role of government in fostering a global city and the extent of its effort.

Key words: globalization, global city, the role of government