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論文名稱 軍事專業與國際觀
研討會開始日期 2017-11-09
研討會結束日期 2017-11-09
所有作者 陳玉珍
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 海軍軍官學校70週年校慶「迎向海洋、逐夢啟航」學術研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄
發表年份 2017

[摘要] :
摘 要

[英文摘要] :
We are in an era of globalization with sophisticated and changeable environment.Uncertainty and competition becomes more severe than ever. For certain issue occurred in
some other corner of the world, it may possibly not only affect international affairs but also
even reaching to domestic dimensions of certain countries influenced by the international mega-trends by this matter. How to accommodate the globalization and promoting issues
associated with internationalization already becomes a daily concern of governments, academics, civil societies and daily life of the general public. To acquire the qualification of global view is the essential element for managing those international affairs.
Using enterprises as an example, those internationalized manpower with the global view may decide the performances of those units within the enterprises. The level of
internationalization of the national defense establishments is the core issue to assure the effective defense development. To establish the global view for military professionals matters to the basis of strong defense capacities. As such, all the military educational establishments
as the cradles for providing the future leadership of the Republic of China Armed Forces, regardless of their individual services or any military specialties, the educational content for preparing these cadres are targeting on integrating civil and military professionalism and
balancing the development of moral standards and professionalism so that preparing students with high degree of professionalism and basic academic capacity for bachelor degree. As
addressing the military professionalism, the final goal is to prepare military professionals with
quality of humanity concern but with the capability brought by the process of modernization and internationalization. By so doing, the capable military professional officers are created by the military educational institutions.
The goal of the military professional officers is defending their nations. In the era of globalization, it is necessary for them to have sufficient global view to formulate global
strategy as their core professionalism. How to establish the global view for the professional
officers is an essential element. This paper may start from discussing the definition of global view and further exploiting how to establishing the global view as the reference e for the military professionals.
Keywords: global view, globalization, military professional, international scope