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論文名稱 我國對新南向政策目標國以政府開發協助(ODA)模式推動海外公共工程支初探
研討會開始日期 2019-06-16
研討會結束日期 2019-06-16
所有作者 陳玉珍
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 第十二屆城市學學術研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄
發表年份 2019
所屬計劃案 文藻外大整合型計畫(SLRS107001)子計畫二

[摘要] :

關鍵字: 新南向政策、ODA模式推動海外公共工程執行計畫、政府開發協助(ODA)、國合會

[英文摘要] :
The New Southward Policy is a political economic consideration of the ROC government. Without considering the strong competitors that have been deployed in the Southeast Asia and South Asia countries for a long time, as well as ignoring some political and economic risks in those developing and less developing countries, the New Southbound Policy targeted countries do have colossal business opportunities in the public infrastructural projects. However, using government budget as a financing facility to promote “the implementation of overseas public projects with the ODA model”. This has raised a much debate and concerns in the society.
This study applied qualitative research method to analyze government reports, business and industry information, and documentary records aiming to submit a preliminary analysis on the so-called ODA model of “financing facility” on promoting overseas public projects.

Keywords: New Southbound Policy, the implementation of overseas public projects with the ODA model, Official Development Assistance ( ODA), International Cooperation and Development Fund