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論文名稱 Bridging English learning and cultural knowledge: Exploring classroom discourse in an indigenous classroom in Taiwan.
研討會開始日期 2011-09-01
研討會結束日期 2011-09-05
所有作者 Lin, W. C.
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2011 International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory (ISCAR) Conference
研討會舉行之國家 NATITA-義大利共和國
研討會舉行之城市 Rome
發表年份 2011
所屬計劃案 National Science Council, NSC 100-2914-I-160-006-A1]

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
This research investigated the efficacy of using wiki online writing platform and peer-assessments to develop English writing skills and motivation among thirty-two 2nd year college students in southern Taiwan. The wikis were used as a collaborative writing tool to mediate and enhance writing skills. As an integral part of ‘Reading and Writing’ school course, one group pretest-posttest design was employed and a two-stage cycle of investigation were conducted in one class over one school semester. Data was collected using Composition Grading Feedback Sheet, surveys, interview, document as well as observation. Findings revealed that even though general English writing performances were not found to have significant improvements among students, most of them demonstrated positive changing attitudes towards using the wikis for peer-assessments. They agreed that this on-line activity could enhance English writing skills, and were ready to engage in similar future practice. Drawing from the study, several conclusions are set out which highlight some implications for EFL teachers, and future research directions are suggested.