
Before SunSet Let's live It




為什麼隔壁的王八 什麼事都不用做 卻有人照顧又有人疼

Drucker, P. F. (1978). Adventures of a bystander. New York: Harper & Row

Mintzberg, H. (1978). Patterns in strategy formation. Management Science, 24(9), 934–948.

Ryans, A. B., & Weinberg, C. B. (19...

boy boy boy, this woman can dig

: sorry, I can't get it up.
: bless you.



Run Lora Run



There are some people you grow to love whereas there are others you grow to hate. I always make sure I come late.



A empire of humming birds

Kate Plays Christine (2016)

「你的生活是我旅行的風景」by dato (Kamo River in my pocket)

if i was a sparrow. you would be dead; if I were a mantis, i would be dead.So, what would be there left play?

「騎一台哈雷 我看看」

: show must go on
: just give me the fucking cigarette, would you
: have a little faith
: now i see
: wait for it

詬病 Bingo

: watch your language young man
: I would


Try to dine with the devil, you need a lolooooooong fork.

: because of how you look, one can never take you seriously.
: no one listens to me until they don't know who I am.
: two in the array.
: perfect.


「螳螂捕蟬 麻雀在後」

:it looks cute in the Museum, it does not when it's on the road.(Mother Maria)
:'the right-hand man, the left-twitching eye'.
i will see you in the sex life.

Mental Graphics create Great Memories

'so many beaches.'

Excuse me, what the fukc did you say?



{I feel great};
{The little palace, Milo!};
'i love it when you quote me';


Always get what i want first and you're good to go.


Merry Christmas and Happy 2024 Dragon Lunar Year

:not try to show off my credits later on he would go and get one, but why Rebecca's yet gotten any tattoos done since most of your interviewees've gotten the interwoven stitches for one reason or an...


別人家是肉麻當有趣 我家是相殘當樂趣


Pinky Swear

不義之財 千萬不要留在身邊 帶賽(that of tying shit)
the legal definition of negligence is the B by not doing sth is lower(P) than the risk of harm(L). BPA algorithm; borden, probability, loss
'Everything is conne...