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論文名稱 Tree-structured multilayer neural network for classification
發表日期 2019-02-01
論文收錄分類 SCI
所有作者 Shiueng-Bien Yang
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Neural Computing and Applications
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATGBR-英國
發表年份 2019
發表月份 2
發表形式 電子期刊

[英文摘要] :
In traditional neural trees (NTs), each internal node is designed as a neural network (NN), such as single- or two-layer
neural networks, to determine which branch should be followed for an input sample. Because each NN contained in the
internal nodes is designed separately, the produced NT does not consider overall effectiveness. Thus, the designed NT is
usually not an optimal NT. In this study, the tree-structured multilayer neural network (TSMLNN) is proposed for
classification. The TSMLNN is similar to an NT, which is the result of dividing a deep multilayer NN into many small subnetworks. The TSMLNN has the advantages of both a multilayer NN and an NT. In addition, the split method is proposed
to determine how to split the network in the TSMLNN. The genetic algorithm is proposed to automatically search for the
weights, activation threshold of each node and the proper number of nodes at each layer according to both the computing
complexity and classification error rate in the TSMLNN, and the proposed TSMLNN tends to be optimal. A heuristic
method is also proposed to help users to decide which TSMLNN is the best within the classification error rate range.
Finally, the performance of the proposed TSMLNN is compared with that of state-of-the-art neural networks in

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