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[摘要] :
本文即從認知的角度出發,探討和語身體部位相關成語的概念隱喻。研究方法主要透過教育部國語推行委員會編纂之網路版《成語典》蒐集語料,依曹逢甫、蔡立中與劉秀瑩(2001)和Yu (2002)之研究作身體部位分類,並採用Lakoff and Johnson (1980)之「概念隱喻」理論分析、歸納成語。研究結果發現身體各部位的具有各自的隱喻特性,而這些隱喻特性都受到中華文化的影響。最後,根據本研究結果提出以隱喻輔助學習之成語教學建議,並期望對華語教學者及學習者有所幫助。
[英文摘要] :
The aim of the study is to help learners comprehend the meanings of body part emotional idioms. The idioms were collected from the online Dictionary of Chinese Idioms, and each was analyzed and categorized using the conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980). Results indicated that idioms of different body parts comprised different metaphor features. They had regular patterns which were influenced by Chinese culture. The findings suggest that instructors can use metaphor features to help learners comprehend numerous idioms.