研究資料首頁-> 期刊論文
[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
The New York Times (NYT) publishes The Times Supplement (TS) in Taiwan every week. Although TS news articles are edited lightly from their corresponding NYT articles, TS
headlines are often rewritten heavily. This paper addresses the cognitive, pragmatic, and rhetorical roles of conceptual metaphors and metonymies in TS and NYT headlines,
focusing on variations in non-lexicalized metaphors and metonymies (namely those which have not been adopted into the lexicon). A textual survey and stylistic analysis were
conducted on a corpus of 605 pairs of corresponding NYT and TS news articles. The results of the textual survey show that non-lexicalized metaphors and metonymies occur in more
NYT headlines than TS headlines. Thus the degree of non-lexicalized figurations is reduced tomake TS headlines more accessible to the TS reader. The stylistic analysis demonstrates that non-lexicalized metaphors and metonymies have some notable functions to fulfill in
the headlines. Chief among them are: (i) metaphors and metonymies foreground a pragmatically relevant or stylistically interesting aspect of the story, (ii) metaphors and
metonymies guide pragmatic inferencing in text interpretation, and (iii) metonymies create referential variety and enhance cohesion and coherence.
[參考文獻] :