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論文名稱 Assessing the Human Security Dimension of Interregionalism. The Case of Asia-EU cooperation against (re)-emerging diseases.
研討會開始日期 2013-12-05
研討會結束日期 2013-12-06
所有作者 Vincent Rollet
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 International Conference on Rethinking Human Security in the Asian Century
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 Taichung
發表年份 2013
所屬計劃案 NSC
附件 HSP_AGENDA_28_11.pdfHSP_AGENDA_28_11.pdf

[英文摘要] :
In the context of a proliferation of regional groupings worldwide and of the awareness of the transregional dimension of infectious diseases such as SARS, avian flu, HIV/AIDS or dengue fever, interregional cooperation in the domain of health has been a growing phenomenon this last decade. This is true for most of regions and notably for Asia and Europe as it has been confirmed by several interregional health initiatives between both regions. One of these initiatives is the European Union (EU) Regional Programme on Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Diseases (HPED) in Asia which aims at controlling HPEDs and improving epidemic and pandemic preparedness in Asia . From the beginning this initiative has been labeled by its main initiator – the EU – as a human security initiative notably because it represents a response to the challenging issue of emerging and re-emerging diseases which directly affect human security. But beyond the words, does this initiative represents a human security initiative? What is the human security dimension of this interregional health cooperation? What are its limits?

In order to respond to these questions, this article proposes first to explain how in the academic literature, interregionalism has been so far considered as being able to play the role of a security mechanism. Then, in reference to the link between human security and health as well as in the light of evaluation studies concerning the human security dimension of international cooperation, one develops an assessing tool based on different objective criteria designed to assess the human security dimension of international health cooperation including interregional health initiatives. Finally, the human security dimension of the EU Regional Program on HPED in Asia will be checked in the light of the main criteria of the assessment tool, limits will be underlined and proposition made in order to strengthen the human security aspect of such initiative.

Willing to go behind the acknowledgement that health challenges might be a human security issue – aspect which has already been largely covered by other studies -, this study focuses on the human security dimension of an international response to such threats in the context of interregionalism. Its aims at revealing what measures might strengthen the human security dimension of such cooperation and where efforts might be made if one considers that human security approach represents an added value to health cooperation and to lives, livelihoods and wellbeing

[參考文獻] :
Interregionalism, global health, foreign policy, European Union, ASEAN, SAARC