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[摘要] :
After the 1960s, Taiwan rapidly transformed itself from an aid recipient to a donor country. Such transition reflected Taiwanese economic growth as well as its quick development. Today, Taiwan - a non-Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donor - is pursuing its assistance in several countries, through different forms and in various domains. This presentation aims at first assessing the governance and the modalities of Taiwan’s official development assistance (ODA) notably since 2008 and the election of President Ma Ying-jeou (re-elected in 2012) who within the framework of “truce diplomacy” with China promised to make foreign aid mechanism more professional and more effective. Then, this contribution focuses on the main specificities of Taiwanese development assistance notably in the light of the particular status of Taiwan within the international community and proposes some comparisons with other Asian donors. Finally, it examines internal and international main challenges of Taiwanese ODA and envisages its future direction in the context of a growing involvement of Asian countries in development aid.
[英文摘要] :
After the 1960s, Taiwan rapidly transformed itself from an aid recipient to a donor country. Such transition reflected Taiwanese economic growth as well as its quick development. Today, Taiwan - a non-Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donor - is pursuing its assistance in several countries, through different forms and in various domains. This presentation aims at first assessing the governance and the modalities of Taiwan’s official development assistance (ODA) notably since 2008 and the election of President Ma Ying-jeou (re-elected in 2012) who within the framework of “truce diplomacy” with China promised to make foreign aid mechanism more professional and more effective. Then, this contribution focuses on the main specificities of Taiwanese development assistance notably in the light of the particular status of Taiwan within the international community and proposes some comparisons with other Asian donors. Finally, it examines internal and international main challenges of Taiwanese ODA and envisages its future direction in the context of a growing involvement of Asian countries in development aid.
Congress website: http://congresasie2015.sciencesconf.org