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論文名稱 The European Union’s development assistance for health (DAH) in Vietnam: any other purposes than health improvement?
發表日期 2022-03-24
論文收錄分類 SSCI
所有作者 Vincent Rollet
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Global Public Health
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATUSA-美國
發表年份 2021
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本
所屬計劃案 MOST 108- 2410-H-160 -009 -MY2

[摘要] :
Development Assistance for health (DAH) has increased dramatically
these last two decades. While according to the official rhetoric, it aims
at ‘health improvement’ and ‘poverty reduction’, such apolitical
purposes have been questioned by scholars who identified other major
objectives. However, few studies have sought to uncover the
motivations behind EU’s health assistance.
To fill such academic gap, this article explores the main drivers that
have guided the EU’s DAH in Vietnam where the EU celebrated in 2020
its 25 years of health cooperation. Opting for a ‘multiple sources of
foreign aid model’ that considers that no single factor can explain
foreign aid decision, and adopting a ‘holistic approach’ that focuses on
the modalities, the narratives, the allocation, and the terms of health
assistance, as well as the international and domestic contexts in which
it has taken place, this study identifies four major purposes: (a) the
confirmation of EU’s identities within the global health community. (b)
the defense of the relevance of its approach of health assistance to
influence international norms framing international health aid, (c) its
support to the leading role of the WHO in global health, and (d) the
facilitation of trade and investment opportunities for European

[英文摘要] :
Development Assistance for health (DAH) has increased dramatically
these last two decades. While according to the official rhetoric, it aims
at ‘health improvement’ and ‘poverty reduction’, such apolitical
purposes have been questioned by scholars who identified other major
objectives. However, few studies have sought to uncover the
motivations behind EU’s health assistance.
To fill such academic gap, this article explores the main drivers that
have guided the EU’s DAH in Vietnam where the EU celebrated in 2020
its 25 years of health cooperation. Opting for a ‘multiple sources of
foreign aid model’ that considers that no single factor can explain
foreign aid decision, and adopting a ‘holistic approach’ that focuses on
the modalities, the narratives, the allocation, and the terms of health
assistance, as well as the international and domestic contexts in which
it has taken place, this study identifies four major purposes: (a) the
confirmation of EU’s identities within the global health community. (b)
the defense of the relevance of its approach of health assistance to
influence international norms framing international health aid, (c) its
support to the leading role of the WHO in global health, and (d) the
facilitation of trade and investment opportunities for European