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論文名稱 | Effects of Different Topics on College Students' Foreign Language Reading Anxiety |
發表日期 | 2011-06-30 |
論文收錄分類 | 其他 |
所有作者 | Zola Chi-Chin Lai; Feng-Sheng Hung |
作者順序 | 第一作者 |
通訊作者 | 是 |
刊物名稱 | Journal of Applied Foreign Languages |
發表卷數 | |
是否具有審稿制度 | 是 |
發表期數 | 15 |
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 | |
發表年份 | 2011 |
發表月份 | 6 |
發表形式 | 紙本 |
所屬計劃案 | 無 |
可公開文檔 | |
可公開文檔 | |
可公開文檔 | |
附件 | 11賴琦瑾(本文).pdf |
[摘要] :
語焦慮為外語學習帶來負面之影響(e.g., Horwitz, Horwitz & Cope, 1986;
MacIntyre & Gardner, 1989; Phillips, 1992; Sellers, 1998; Young, 1991)。然而
慮問卷(Saito et al., 1999)。學生在閱讀完每種主題後必須填答外語閱讀焦
章時焦慮較高。此差異是由 (1) 閱讀理解能力、(2) 閱讀學習經驗、(3) 背
景知識、(4) 閱讀過程 及 (5) 閱讀樂趣所造成。本研究針對英語閱讀教
[英文摘要] :
Effects of Different Topics on College Students’ Foreign Language Reading Anxiety
Foreign language anxiety plays an important role in language learning. Previous empirical studies have shown that there is an inverse relationship between FL anxiety and FL learning (e.g., Horwitz, Horwitz & Cope, 1986; MacIntyre & Gardner, 1989; Phillips, 1992; Sellers, 1998; Young, 1991). However, research which has empirically documented the link between reading topics and reading anxiety is scant. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate how different topics affected the levels of foreign language reading anxiety among college students in Taiwan. Specifically, the levels of FL reading anxiety elicited by the following five topics were explored: entertainment/leisure, culture, health, business/money, and relationships.
This research involved a survey, comprised of the demographic information of students and the Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (Saito et al., 1999). There were 112 college students participating in this study.
The quantitative analysis of the questionnaire was conducted through descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA.The results indicated that reading topics significantly affected the levels of FL reading anxiety. The participants had a lower level of anxiety when reading the relationships and the leisure/entertainment passages, and had a higher level of anxiety when reading the passages about business/money, health, and culture. Such discrepancies were caused by their (1) ability to comprehend when they read, (2) prior experience in learning to read, (3) use of background knowledge, (4) problems with the reading process, and (5) enjoyment of reading. Based on the results, the present study proposed several pedagogical implications and suggestions for English reading instruction and book publication.
Key words: background knowledge, English reading, foreign language anxiety, foreign language reading anxiety, reading topics
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