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論文名稱 原文錯誤融入翻譯教學中─以專業西班牙文翻譯課堂為例
研討會開始日期 2020-06-13
研討會結束日期 2020-06-13
所有作者 吳仙凰
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2020年第24屆口筆譯教學國際學術研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄
發表年份 2021
附件 484622-研討會議程_20200526更新.pdf484622-研討會議程_20200526更新.pdf

[摘要] :
德國翻譯學者Hans Hönig (1998:162)曾指出文章並非都是完美無誤的 ,然而在翻譯課堂中,筆者發現大多數學生常以為原文是沒有錯誤的,即使發現原文有誤卻又礙於追求對原文的忠實導致原文寫什麼就翻什麼。若要成為專業譯者,只有具備翻譯語言能力是不夠的,更需具備多元的能力來解決翻譯過程中所面臨的各種問題,例如如何處理原文錯誤(source text errors)便是譯者可能會面臨的問題之一。因此,本研究以「專業西班牙文翻譯」課程為例,結合實際翻譯案件,主題包括旅遊、食譜、加工食品製作等,探討如何將原文錯誤融入翻譯教學中,並透過分析學生譯作了解學生如何針對原文錯誤類型(語法錯誤、數值錯誤、語意不清等)提出解決之道。期望這些研究結果能提供翻譯教師在教學上之參考,以訓練學生處理原文錯誤之翻譯策略能力。


[英文摘要] :
Integrating Source Text Errors into Translation Teaching: A Case Study of a Specialized Spanish Translation Class
Hans Hönig (1998:162) pointed out that the living texts are faulty texts . However, in translation classes most students believe that source text hardly suffers from errors. They would faithfully translate what the source text expresses even if they have found errors. To be a professional translator he or she must not only have translational language competence but also diverse competences to solve the translation problems. For example, a translator should have the abilities to find errors in the source text and also tackle them. Therefore, this research takes the translation course, “Specialized Spanish Translation”, as an example and aims to discuss the application of source text errors in translation teaching which combines authentic materials with topics including tourism, recipes, and processed food production. Moreover, an analysis of the students’ translation is also included in order to demonstrate how they tackle errors (language errors, numbers, ambiguity, etc.) found in the source text. It is hoped that the research results can help train students’ problem-solving strategies when errors are discovered in source texts.

Key words: source text errors, translation teaching, Spanish