研究資料首頁-> 期刊論文
論文名稱 | 職前教保老師運用近文本引導圖畫書共讀之探究 |
發表日期 | 2018-12-31 |
論文收錄分類 | 其他 |
所有作者 | 趙金婷 |
作者順序 | 第一作者 |
通訊作者 | 是 |
刊物名稱 | 國民教育學報 |
發表卷數 | 無 |
是否具有審稿制度 | 是 |
發表期數 | 15 |
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 | NATTWN-中華民國 |
發表年份 | 2018 |
發表月份 | 12 |
發表形式 | 紙本 |
所屬計劃案 | 無 |
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[摘要] :
摘 要
兒童進入故事世界的建構歷程。研究對象為配對共讀的42 對職前教保老師和4-5 歲的
[英文摘要] :
Pre-service Preschool Teachers’ Peritextual Reading
during Picture Books Sharing with Preschool Children
While scholars have recognized the meaning making potential offered by the peritext of
picturebooks, researchers had observed that too often during readalouds in the classroom
teachers pay minimal attention to the peritext.
The study focused on the peritextual features that pre-service preschool teachers used to build
a framework for stepping into story worlds during picture books sharing with children. 42 preservice
teacher-child dyads were videotaped as they shared a picture book together.
Research results showed that the pre-service teachers focused on front cover as the only
peritextual feature. The front cover offered story information such as characters, setting, plot,
key elements and genre, but these pre-service teachers overlooked the other peritex of story
The findings indicated that pre-service teachers need to discover through careful scrutiny of
the peritext of books and become conscious of the clues tucked away in the peritext and thus
foster in their young children a richer understanding and fuller engagement with the narrative.
Keywords: Picturebooks, Shared Reading, Peritext
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