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論文名稱 | The use of body part terms in Taiwan and China: Analyzing 血 xie 'blood' and 骨 gu 'bone' in Chinese Gigaword v. 2.0 |
研討會開始日期 | 2016-10-28 |
研討會結束日期 | 2016-10-30 |
所有作者 | Ren-feng Duann and Chu-Ren Huang |
作者順序 | 第一作者 |
通訊作者 | 是 |
研討會名稱 | The 30th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation |
是否具有對外公開徵稿及審稿制度 | 是 |
研討會舉行之國家 | NATKOR-大韓民國(南韓) |
研討會舉行之城市 | 首爾 |
發表年份 | 2016 |
所屬計劃案 | Null |
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[摘要] :
This article, examining the qualia roles re-trieved from the metaphorical-ly/metonymically used body part terms in news texts, addresses the similarities and dif-ferences of such uses in Taiwan and China. Analyzing the behavior of 血 xue ‘blood’ and 骨 ‘bone’, two corporeal terms with relatively high visibilities compared with肉 rou ‘flesh’ and 脈 mai ‘meridian’ (Duann and Huang 2015) in the Chinese Gigaword Version 2 (Huang 2009), this research have the follow-ing findings: (1) For the use of 血 xue ‘blood’, the agentive role predominates in both Taiwan and China, which is not in line with the argument in Duann and Huang (2015). (2) Regarding the use of 骨 gu ‘bone’, the telic role predominates. However, China uses it in personification much more often than Taiwan does. (3) The unique dimension of a place triggers the use exclusive to the place.
[英文摘要] :
This article, examining the qualia roles re-trieved from the metaphorical-ly/metonymically used body part terms in news texts, addresses the similarities and dif-ferences of such uses in Taiwan and China. Analyzing the behavior of 血 xue ‘blood’ and 骨 ‘bone’, two corporeal terms with relatively high visibilities compared with肉 rou ‘flesh’ and 脈 mai ‘meridian’ (Duann and Huang 2015) in the Chinese Gigaword Version 2 (Huang 2009), this research have the follow-ing findings: (1) For the use of 血 xue ‘blood’, the agentive role predominates in both Taiwan and China, which is not in line with the argument in Duann and Huang (2015). (2) Regarding the use of 骨 gu ‘bone’, the telic role predominates. However, China uses it in personification much more often than Taiwan does. (3) The unique dimension of a place triggers the use exclusive to the place.
[參考文獻] :
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