
2019-04-25 13:23:30

Love you babe!

1. 每日一句(From Voicetube每日口說挑戰):
Word is, it got the name California Roll because it was so popular with people who came to his restaurant from L.A.

2. 新學詞彙組合對話應用:
(At the end of the meeting)
A: I expect we'll be reaching our goal soon. In other words, it's meant to be ours, the glory.
B: Well, I think it's a bit more than encouragement. That is to say, it's way too exaggerated.
C: Instead of spoiling everything by you dumb ass, his words are relatively reliable.
B: We'll see.
A: Always the tone of arrogance.

3. Wirklich? Das kIingt __ gut, um wahr yu sein!(真的嗎?聽起來好真實!)
(From DW Deutsch Lernen)
