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論文名稱 Political Movement of Thai Youth Under the Imagined Community of the Milk Tea Alliance on the Twitter Platform
研討會開始日期 2023-03-09
研討會結束日期 2023-03-11
所有作者 陳正娟
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2023 Asian Studies Development Program’s 30th National Conference
研討會舉行之國家 NATUSA-美國
研討會舉行之城市 Kansas City
發表年份 2023

[英文摘要] :
Twitter has been the recent choice for the young generation in Thailand to make their political movement. This research contains an exploration of this digital movement using Twitter to study the political engagement of the Milk Tea Alliance movement. This Twitter hashtag has given rise to a provocative movement, not in one, but three countries —Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand, under the leadership of youth as digital natives. The youth-driven rebellion movement of pro-democracy campaigners, mainly in Hong Kong and Thailand, represents a new era of social movements. Even becoming a medium on its own, this process has fostered communication, exchange of ideas, and the creation of an imagined community, bringing together those who willingly to share their thoughts through online media, with no need for a leader, place, or any other resources to create an international alliance. Only the media, universal language and ideology can explain the phenomenon of youth resistance to authoritarianism through transnational cooperation. Even though this digital movement can not yet claim any tangible victory, it does widely illuminate some butterfly effects. The interesting facts are that all factors in the resistance against authoritarianism are mutually supportive and are widely used. This includes the vision of youth in this generation that has grown with a flood of data from a variety of media. As a consequence, this research aims to understand the use of digital media and politics of the younger generation, in relation to the Milk Tea Alliance movement. Moreover, this research studied the sociological understanding of Twitter as a mobilizing force, and focuses on the impact of digital media on youth perception in terms of politics, as well as the role of the Twitter platform through the Milk Tea Alliance movement, by surveying the perspective of the young generation through interviews, and then data analysis of surveys conducted. The objective of this research is to study the fundamental factors of digital media that shape youth to participate in politics, and the role of Twitter as a mobilization media towards the formation of the Milk Tea Alliance movement, by using the lens of imagined community theory.