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專書(含篇章)及其他著作名稱 Talk Like A Pro: Making A Winning Presentation
專書出版日期 2023-06-20
專書類別 紙本
使用語文 外文
作者順序 第一作者
出版年 2023
出版月 6
出版者(社) Tung Hua & Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
ISBN編號 978-626-7130-45-2

[英文摘要] :
Talk Like a Pro: Making a Winning Presentation" is more than just a supplement to your Business Communication textbook; it's a practical guide that can stand on its own as a one- or two-unit presentation course. Packed with a Guidebook, end-of-chapter exercises, and activities, this material set is tailored to help learners in Asia or countries where English is a second or foreign language prepare for professional presentations. It's equally beneficial for working professionals seeking practical advice on business presentation preparation.

The author meticulously breaks down award-winning presentation videos into ten-chapter learning units in designing this material set. The author firmly believes that learning can be maximized and be most effective when the learning can be achieved by observing and imitating good examples and when the learning tasks and materials are customized to meet learners' specific needs and backgrounds. Through the observational learning approach, students and professionals learn by watching and analyzing the video clips. This integrative learning approach allows learners to apply the learned principles of a professional presentation to their performance through a series of step-by-step task activities building up to a complete production.

This material set examines the different components of a typical business presentation in detail and suggests concrete steps to guide the learners and produce their own. Three key features of this material set are:
· The principles of presentations provide learners with a foundation for making a professional presentation.
· The video clips provide learners observational learning opportunities to integrate principles with applications.
·End-of-chapter exercises and activities allow learners to integrate concepts with directed practice.

[參考文獻] :
Cover:©Bangkok Click
Inside:2-3©Tom Wang/shuterstock.com
4©Dragon Images/shuterstock.com