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論文名稱 A Study on the Implementation of English Services Emblem in Kaohsiung and the Needs of Certified Stores for ESP Program
研討會開始日期 2012-04-21
研討會結束日期 2012-04-22
所有作者 蘇榮昌
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 英語文學術暨實務國際研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 台北
發表年份 2011

[英文摘要] :
The number of foreign visitors coming to Taiwan has been steadily rising. Due to the fact that English has become the global language, in order to provide a hospitable environment nationwide for foreign visitors of either long or short stay, starting in 2007 the Research, Development and Evaluation Committee (RDEC), Executive Yuan, initiated the “English Services Emblem” (ESE) certification project. Ding-Jin district in Kaohsiung is a relatively densely-populated community of foreigners since there are over 200 foreigners studying or teaching in Ding-Jin-based Wenzao Ursuline College. To provide English services for the foreign visitors, many businesses located here have been certified by Kaohsiung City Government in these two years.
This study includes two purposes: (a) to investigate the outcome after the implementation of the ESE project in Ding-Jin district, and (b) to examine if the selected ESE-certified store, T Café (assumed name), in this study can effectively and accountably provide English services for its foreign consumers after certification. For the first purpose, foreign participants, most of whom stayed in the vicinity of Ding-Jin district, were invited to respond to the questionnaires. For the second purpose, the selected object was evaluated on its competence for being a certified ESE business. The evaluation criteria were adapted from the real evaluation form, designed by the RDEC for the ESE certification. The evaluators include four native English speakers and four non-native English speakers, a composite similar to the one in real evaluation.
The findings are as follows: (a) The outcome of the implementation of the ES project is far from what it was expected to be; (b) with respect to the object’s accountability of English services as an ESE business, the satisfaction degree (M = 2.97, SD = 0.75) out of 5-point Likert scales implies that much improvement is left to be desired; (c) no follow-up measures are taken by the object or the government to maintain the due level of English services after a Sliver Emblem has been awarded. The study suggests that the government should place both international and nationwide propaganda so that foreign visitors may know the implementation of the ESE project in Taiwan, and have access to the certified businesses. To maintain the ESE services after being certified, the certified stores need the continuing training program of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) instead of English for General Purposes (EGP), held through cooperation between the government and the educational institutes.
Keywords: English Services Emblem (ESE), English for General Purposes (EGP), English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

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