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[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
The original article of civil law 982 stipulates: “A marriage must be celebrated by open ceremony and in the presence of two or more witnesses. Persons who have registered for marriage in accordance with the Household Registration Act shall be presumed as married.”While the amendment article indicates that“A marriage shall be effected in writing, which requires the signatures of at least two witnesses, and by the registration at the Household Administration Bureau.” Marriage, in the Chinese civilization, has sacred substantive feature. Especially, open ceremony which was its important characteristic that has been removed and replaced by registration. This change reveals the mission of government has turned to confirm the wish between the husband and wife to ask evidence or process of the regulation. So the nation have withdrawn the role of leading values and ignored the destination of marriage. But the legal system haved defined a person as a subject of right and responsibilty for preserving and improving human person. Furthemore, it poses a great doubt that the new amendment promote human person from the individual version. In the future, it`s recommended to restore open ceremony back to the registration system of marriage.
[參考文獻] :
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