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論文名稱 Interdisciplinary Collaboration in General Education Course: Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
發表日期 2018-11-30
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Sheu, Huai Zhi; Lee, Hsueh-Chen
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 高雄文化研究2018年年刊
發表卷數 Accepted
發表期數 Nov. 30, 2018
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2018
發表月份 11
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :
近幾年來高等教育出現新的變化,彈性、開放且具特色之大學體制和學習環境,成為未來大學努力的方向。文藻外語大學通識教育中心於106學年度起,開設了社會創新與社會開創系列的微型課程,此課程是通識教育中心與本校專業科系國際企業管理系與英語暨國際學院合作,為跨系、跨院、跨領域的合作授課之微型系列彈性課程,分別是 1)社會創新與社會開創:公部門與私部門;2)社會創新與社會開創:非營利組織與社區部門;3)社會創新與社會開創:國際社會發展與趨勢。內容以社會創新與開創學科理論學習,實作工作坊,專題演講,以及社區關懷實作服務為主,期望提升學生自主學習,以擴大學生學習的經驗與場域。本研究旨在分享大學通識彈性課程以跨領域合作融入通識課程之實作的具體成果。研究以體驗式學習(experimental learning)替代傳統知識建構(knowledge-based learning) 授課方式,研究成果呈現如何在不同屬性的作業設計與教學活動中,透過量化的分析來呈現學生的學習成效。

[英文摘要] :
The emergence of innovative, flexible, and creative teaching transformation from traditional teaching method had been wildly adopted in the higher educational system in Taiwan as a trend. In 2017, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages initiated a flexible series of courses in general education that integrates the teaching resources with the intention to lead an interdisciplinary collaboration between different schools and departments. The series of courses aim to provide students with self-learning and self-driven motivation instead of passive learning. Thus, the series courses are designed based on the mission of general education by choosing the theme of “social innovation and social entrepreneurship”. There are three courses embedded in this program: 1) Social innovation and Social entrepreneuring: public and private sectors, 2) Social innovation and Social entrepreneuring: Non-profit and Community sectors, 3) Social innovation and Social entrepreneuring: International sector and future development. It is an interdisciplinary curriculum that combines theoretical instruction, practical workshops, speeches of social entrepreneurs, and experiential leaning. This research, intends to focus on the flexibility and collaboration by leveraging the recourse to faculties through evaluating the synergy of students learning performance. We deliver the adjustments to teaching implementation based on the research finding either from quantitative aspect.

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