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論文名稱 | 運動博弈中賭盤與比賽得分之關係:以2017年美國職棒大聯盟為例 |
發表日期 | 2018-06-30 |
論文收錄分類 | 其他 |
所有作者 | 林忠程、陳膺成、 黃孆蔚 |
作者順序 | 第一作者 |
通訊作者 | 否 |
刊物名稱 | 大專體育 |
發表卷數 | 無 |
是否具有審稿制度 | 是 |
發表期數 | 145 |
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 | NATTWN-中華民國 |
發表年份 | 2018 |
發表月份 | 6 |
發表形式 | 紙本及電子期刊 |
所屬計劃案 | 無 |
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[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
As the sports Gambling has evolved, bettors to focus on statistical data analyses and related information. This study aims to analyze the correlation between odds in sports gambling and the actual score results by organizing the data of each team’s odds in Major League Baseball during the 2017 regular season. The results reveal that bookmakers set the most total overs on the the New York Mets, and the most total unders on the Pittsburgh Pirates. In order to protect their margin and generate a 5% operating profit, most bookmakers attempt to achieve a “balanced book” with fifty-fifty overall ratio between winners and losers as often as possible. Twelve of the thirty teams obtained a total differential rate of 5%. There is also a correlation found between each team’s earned run average and the betting odds. The results indicate that sports gambling is not only a game of chance but also an example of investment management. While analyzing sport games, bettors should not rely on personal perspectives, preferences, advice from other professional bettors or media analyses. They should observe and analyze the overall data and trends comprehensively and systematically to make predictions, identify the most profitable betting conditions and make accurate determinations. These are the key elements needs to systematically earn profits.
[參考文獻] :
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