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論文名稱 Tourism and Orientalism in the East: A Critical Discourse Analysis of An Online Newspaper Travelogue in Vietnamese
研討會開始日期 2019-10-18
研討會結束日期 2019-10-19
所有作者 Pham Thi Minh Trang, I-Jane Janet Weng
作者順序 第二作者
研討會名稱 2019 Wenzao International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄
發表年份 2019

[英文摘要] :
Inspired by Michel Foucault's preceding work, Said (1978) challenges Orientalist studies by proposing an ideological discourse coined Orientalism which entwines powerful western culture and power. Reasoning that Western scholars employ western mind to study the East, Said concludes that those academics decenter the distinctiveness of the East and misrepresent the Orient as inferior and despotic. This euro-cent:Iic perception on the East is not only a western ideology; some Asian travel agencies may also internalize the concept to Romanize the images of the East when producing tourism materials. Yet, little empirical research has been conducted to examine this phenomenon.
This paper explores how concept of Orientalism is employed by the East to attract targeted tourists Through a critical discourse analysis of a travelogue Da Lat beckons: Now is best time to visit Vietnam's 'Little Patis'published by a notable online Vietnamese newspaper, it is found that Orientalism is espoused in the tourism promotional materials written by non-Westerns. In line with tl1e perception held by Western scholarship, it is noted that the linguistic features used to describe the landscapes and populace in Da Lat, Vietnam were loaded with vulnerable, feminine and uncivilized connotation, whereas the West was characterized as superior, masculine and powerful through its vestiges in this city.
It is argued that the biased language revealed in the international edition of the online Vietnamese newspaper has promoted a false image of the destination, which皿ght be related to the stereotypes of Asia harbored in Western tourists (Ooi, 2002; Ooi, 2005; Silver, 1993). The findings also reflect Dirlik's (1996) concept of "self-Orientalism" in咖ch the Asians portray themselves to meet the expectation of Western tourists before their actual visit to Asia.
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, tourism, Orientalism, self-Orientalism, Vietnam